About Us
RemoraLure was found in 2009 after coming up with a alternative for live bait fishing in saltwater. Everyone knows that the best BIG fish bait is small live baitfish. However, with summer temperatures at over 90 degrees as well as water temperatures, keeping bait alive and swimming is almost impossible. There are a lot of saltwater fish that make noise with their bladders and they include croakers, redfish, speckled trout and a lot of others. The sound we hear is not the same thing that other fish respond to, but the vibrations given off thru the water is what other fish feel. Our electric vibrating RemoraLures give off 100% all the time vibrations and are “PATENTED” . If you would like to know exactly what the buzz of RemoraLure is all about (FREE) just set your cell phone to vibrate and place it in your pants pocket. You will actually feel the same vibrations your lure will produce. Now think about that, an actual vibrating fishing lure !!
Our outstanding “Quality and Affordability” as well as beautiful new designs can make your next fishing trip more fun and productive.

Our Mission
RemoraLure has strived to improve every day, week, month and year for the last 5 years and will continue. Our Lures are 100% made/built in the U.S.A. from parts and components gathered from around the world. Hand Made/Crafted one at a time and sold internationally. Our replaceable battery takes only 2 seconds to change(using pointed pliers) and usually last about an hour each. Our vibrators are 100% completely sealed in solid plastic to keep moisture out and carry a 90 day lure replacement warranty. RemoraLure is trademarked and originated from the fact that the REDBUG and Remora both spend most of their time attached to a host. A Remora gets free rides on Sharks, Ray’s and other bigger fish while the REDBUG gets to ride on your favorite lure.

This is a small business and it exclusively manufactures its products within the United States.
Patented by USPTO